Rental Application
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Thank you for your interest in our rental properties. Please select one of the properties below to begin your application. You can either select it from the list, or type part of the property address in the search box to narrow the list, then make your selection.

1092 W. 2nd Ave., Eugene, OR 97402 1092 W. 2nd Avenue

1108 W 2nd, Eugene, OR 97402 1108 W 2nd

1159 Washington Street, Eugene, OR 97402 1159 Washington

751 E. 14th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 14th Cottages

160 E 29th Place, Eugene, OR 97405 160 E 29th Place

1637 Hamlet Lane, Eugene, OR 97402 1637 Hamlet

1710 Escalante St, Eugene, OR 97404 1710 Escalante

350/352 E. 17Th, Eugene, OR 97401 17th Duplex

1814 Parliament Street, Eugene, OR 97405 1814 Parliament

710/718 E 18th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 18th Alley

1940 Pearl St., Eugene, OR 97405 1940 Pearl St.

1970 E. 17th Ave., Eugene, OR 97403 1970 E. 17th

441/445 E.19th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 19th Duplex

20875 Powerline Rd, Harrisburg, OR 97446 20875 Powerline Rd.

226 Van Buren, Eugene, OR 97402 226 Van Buren

2293 Harris St., Eugene, OR 97405 2293 Harris St.

2726 University Street, Eugene, OR 97403 2726 University

2763 Alder Street, Eugene, OR 97405 2763 Alder Street

2894 Warren Street, Eugene, OR 97405 2894 Warren

3150 Potter Street, Eugene, OR 97405 3150 Potter

3340 Potter St., Eugene, OR 97405 3340 Potter

3420 Onyx St., Eugene, OR 97405 3420 Onyx St.

3440 Westward Ho, Eugene, OR 97401 3440-3442 Westward Ho

3470 Walton Lane, Eugene, OR 97408 3470 Walton Lane

370 West 5th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97402 370 W 5th

455 Maxwell Road, Eugene, OR 97404 455 Maxwell

477 W 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 477 8th 4-plex

415 Mad & W 4th, Eugene, OR 97401 4th & Madison

520 Wedgewood Drive, Eugene, OR 97404 520 Wedgewood

5312-14 B St, Springfield, OR 97478 5312/14 B St

630 W. 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97402 630 W 10th

652 W. 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97402 652 W 10th

670 W. 10th Ave., Eugene, OR 97402 670 W. 10th

859 Jefferson Street, Eugene, OR 97401 859 Jefferson

874/876 N. Cloverleaf Lp, Springfield, OR 97477 874 - 876 Cloverleaf

889 W. 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402 889 (4) Plex

89920 Prairie Rd, Eugene, OR 97402 89920 Prairie Rd

171 Aberdeen St., Eugene, OR 97402 The Aberdeen House

5085/87 Bluebelle, Springfield, OR 97478 Bluebelle

2247 Brittany St., Eugene, OR 97405 Brittany Home

572 W. 12th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 Cedar Apartments

5272 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Chapman Apartments

752 Clark St., Eugene, OR 97402 Clark St

1205 Clinton Dr, Eugene, OR 97401 Clinton Dr

25/35 N 9th + 940 OR, Creswell, OR 97426 Creswell Corner

2929 Crocker Rd, Eugene, OR 97404 Crocker

28119 Crow RD, Eugene, OR 97402 Crow Road Home

91157 N. Diamond St., Coburg, OR 97408 The Diamond House

32669 Dixon St., Coburg, OR 97408 The Dixon House

3447/3449 Donald Street, Eugene, OR 97405 Donald Street

1065-1089 E 19th Ave., Eugene, OR 97403 E 19th Complex

935 Ellis Ct., Eugene, OR 97401 Ellis Court

87938 Erdman Way, Veneta, OR 97487 Erdman

5573 Excalibur Lane, Eugene, OR 97402 Excalibur

1888 Ferry Alley, Eugene, OR 97401 Ferry Alley

31872 Fox Hollow Road, Eugene, OR 97405 Fox Hollow

29410 Gimpl Hill, Eugene, OR 97405 Gimpl Hill Home

491 W. 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 The Granite

1605 Hamlet Lane, Eugene, OR 97402 Hamlet Lane Home

1380 Jefferson St., Eugene, OR 97402 Jefferson Duplex

2660/2664 Jefferson Street, Eugene, OR 97405 Jefferson St.

1017 W. L St., Springfield, OR 97477 L St Duplex 4

957 W. L St., Springfield, OR 97477 L St. Duplex 2

1003 W. L St., Springfield, OR 97440 L St. Duplex 3

971 W. L St., Springfield, OR 97477 L Street Duplex 1

2199 Lamar Lane, Eugene, OR 97401 Lamar

1048 Lincoln Street, Eugene, OR 97401 Lincoln Court Apartments

1654 Lincoln Street, Eugene, OR 97401 Lincoln House

1627 / 1625 Long Island Dr., Eugene, OR 97401 Long Island Duplex

2324 Lorane Hwy Eugene, OR 97402, Eugene, OR 97402 Lorane Home

2730 Malibu Way, Eugene, OR 97440 Malibu Way

1981 Margaret St., Eugene, OR 97408 Margaret St.

1572 McKinley Court, Eugene, OR 97401 McKinley Court

1857 Mill St., Eugene, OR 97401 Mill St. Triplex

1312 Mill St, Eugene, OR 97401 Mill Street

207/209/211 N 24th ST, Springfield, OR 97477 N 24th Triplex

160 / 162 Norman Avenue, Eugene, OR 97404 Norman Ave

3491 Onyx Pl., Eugene, OR 97405 Onyx Place

1468 Pearl St., Eugene, OR 97401 Pearl St.

1458 1/2 Pearl St., Eugene, OR 97401 Pearl St. Home

3030 Pheasant St, Springfield, OR 97477 Pheasant

1860 Potter Street, Eugene, OR 97403 Potter Complex

S. Street, Springfield, OR OR S. Street Duplex

Smith Oak, Eugene, OR 97404 Smith Oak Duplex

139 Swain Lane, Eugene, OR 97404 Swain Lane

2936 V Street, Springfield, OR 97477 V. Street Home

599 Coburg Road, Eugene, OR 97401 Viking Condominiums

1647 Villard/1648-54 Orchard Alley, Eugene, OR 97403 Villard/Orchard

83 W. 27th Ave, Eugene, OR 97405 W. 27th Duplex

1145 W. 28th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402 W. 28th Ave.

1084 West 2nd Street, Eugene, OR 97401 West 2nd Duplex

268 South West Laurel, Junction City, OR 97448 West Laurel Home

2950 Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97401 Willamette St. Apartments

40170 York Lane, Springfield, OR 97478 York Lane